Spring has Sprung – April 2022

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume Spring has Sprung I’ve been quiet for a while, but I won’t go into the ins and outs of it in this post. I may do a catch-up Intermission extra at a later date.   I have a lot of items planned but as always getting them into print takes time. Recently a lot of my escapism has been into reading, I’m probably reading more than I have in a quite a…

A Cornucopia – October 2021

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume A Cornucopia I have several rambles to go on in this Intermission, with not much linking them except the randomness of my thinking. Over the past year due to obvious reasons film festivals have mainly gone online, with the relaxation of public health restrictions they are slowly returning to the cinema. For people like myself and my Wife it is near impossible for us to physically go to a film festival even…

The Last Shuttle – August 2021

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume The Last Shuttle NASA recently released a video about it being 10 years since Atlantis, the last space shuttle flew. That was a sad day as there was no replacement because Politics and funding got in the way. The video as much as it put a positive Spin on the involvement of private companies in the exploration of space you couldn’t help but think where would Space exploration be if a replacement…

General Update

General Update is no relation to General Grievous (a Star Wars reference for you) I did though think I needed to do a general update as I have been unfortunately sporadic with my blog content for a while. I obviously don’t wish to make lot’s of excuses, but a lot of things have conspired to make writing a little more complex. My own health and other issues have all conspired against me. Sadly 6 weeks ago we had to say goodbye to our lovely cat Molly which despite her age…

Goodbye Old Friend

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume In the creation of BAFTD I referenced a magazine (pushing the definition a little) I created with my best friend at School. This was called StarNews and in a way is the starting point for this blog even 40 years ago. I was shocked to learn a few weeks ago that my childhood friend had passed away from Cancer. Obviously part of the shock was his age (only 52) but also that…

The Perfect Blogging Computer – The Final Chapter *UPDATED

Please Read before Main Article The G5 is Dead, Long Live the G5! I’m sad to report that my G5 has died on me and it is not easily or economically repairable. I believe the fault is all related to the VLAN which apparently is an issue some of these iMacs had. The question is do I take back what I said about it being the perfect blogging computer. No I don’t it did it’s job perfectly and for 2 years I had a reliable computer that did all that…

Books for the Year – Booklog 2021

Books for the Year I know it’s March and I probably should have posted this earlier, but life happens. Part of my plans this year is to read more, sometimes it’s so easy just to stick on a film rather than spend the time reading. I am therefore going to make a concerted effort to put aside some blocks of time for reading. It’s one of those things that once you get back into the habit you realise how much it gives you and how missed it is. I am…

Let it Go – Intermission – March 2021

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume Let it Go I sometimes struggle writing these posts, what I write needs to be predominantly for me as I have no idea how many people actually read this. If I’m not happy with what I write how can I expect others to read it? Normally when I struggle for ideas I start reading around subjects. I have many books and old genre magazines which all help inspire, but sometimes that’s not…

The Nostalgia Donkey – Intermission – Jan 2021

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume The Nostalgia Donkey Nostalgia is a powerful weapon, it’s where politicians trade in the idea that the past was some golden age of perfection. Nostalgia like anything when misused can be dangerous as it can stop you focusing on the here and now. The beginning of a New Year is when we all trade in nostalgia, looking back at the previous year. This past year more than any we can be under…

The Ghost of Christmas Past – Intermission – Dec. 2020

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume The Ghost of Christmas Past Christmas is upon us, after a tough year for the whole world we all want to have a holiday that we all enjoy and takes us away from everyday stresses. If you’re a regular reader of BAFD you’ll know that’s what this place is about. It’s even written in the mission statement. As with a lot of people Christmas makes me think of Christmas’s past. My parents…