I have always had some book content on this blog, but now I’m hoping to expand that. Reading has been a constant throughout my life, there have been times when I have read more and times when I have read less but it has always been there. Unsurprisingly Science Fiction and Fantasy have been the mainstay of my reading with numerous offshoots into Science, classics and anything else that has taken my fancy. I remember how excited I was as a 5 year old reading Brian Earnshaw’s Dragonfall 5 series…

General Update

General Update is no relation to General Grievous (a Star Wars reference for you) I did though think I needed to do a general update as I have been unfortunately sporadic with my blog content for a while. I obviously don’t wish to make lot’s of excuses, but a lot of things have conspired to make writing a little more complex. My own health and other issues have all conspired against me. Sadly 6 weeks ago we had to say goodbye to our lovely cat Molly which despite her age…

So Where’s the Zombies? – UPDATE

To quote Bjork (a sentence I never thought I’d use) …. It’s Oh so quiet …… Yes it has unfortunately been very quiet. I never thought I would have such a break from the blog, but I never also thought we’d have a global pandemic (at least not without Zombies). The Past few months have been difficult for many, myself included. The limitations the Lockdown put on us (and even as it lifts some of those remain) along with the stress of being a full time carer to my Wife…

Navigating the Asteroid Field – Update

Navigating the Asteroid Field Sometimes you cannot stop outside factors affecting you. The same way when you fly into an asteroid field (see what I did there) you just have to find a way through it. I did a short update at the back of February just explaining that due to my wife being in hospital (nothing serious) and the aftermath that posts and articles were thin on the ground. To explain, my wife has a disability and has a long term health condition so I care for her full…

Update – Hospitals and Blogs

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This is just a short update to apologise for the lack of content released over the past few weeks. My Wife had to go into Hospital for a week (don’t worry nothing bad it was planned) between that and the extra care she required I was unable to post my normal amount. I am just slowly catching up and hopefully by the beginning of March things will be returning to normal. I have some really interesting content I am looking forward to sharing with you, so keep an eye out…

Coming in 2020

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It’s 2020, well by this point I thought we’d all have personal jetpacks and robots that cooked and cleaned for us. I’ll keep hoping but I can’t see those two things happening immediately. I only launched this blog at the back of last year, if your new here you may want to read my history in this post. I had a couple of weeks off over Christmas and New Year, which means I’ll now be back putting various posts up that I hope you find interesting. I have a couple…

Take off! We are Live!

So my dream is here 40 years in the making, a magazine (of sorts) on the things I love. I do hope you like what we’ve achieved here. I’ve made sure there are a variety of articles on launch (around 20), so I’m sure you’ll find something you like. Please feel free to comment and join in. As you go around the site if you find any bugs or have any problems please contact me. I’ve tried to test it as much as we can on different platforms but we’re…

40 years in the Making

Sometimes in life you can pinpoint the moment that a life-long interest and love started. This is mine ……… Set the way-back machine to 1978 and Picture a glorious sunny day on the south coast of England. My Dad at the time was in the Army (Shropshire light Infantry for those interested), on this lovely Sunny day whilst on leave he wanted to spend some time with his youngest son in the sunshine. The 9-year-old me had other ideas though, I wanted to go to the Pictures I wanted to…