old retro movie reel illustration
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It’s 2020, well by this point I thought we’d all have personal jetpacks and robots that cooked and cleaned for us. I’ll keep hoping but I can’t see those two things happening immediately. I only launched this blog at the back of last year, if your new here you may want to read my history in this post.

I had a couple of weeks off over Christmas and New Year, which means I’ll now be back putting various posts up that I hope you find interesting. I have a couple of multiple episode posts to round off as well as a lot of new things planned.

What can you expect? Obviously some similar articles on various films and TV. I am also planning on adding a lot more to my Art content where I hope you’ll be able to follow me working on different pieces both here and on Instagram. I will also be sharing some short videos showing some interesting pieces of memorabilia, comics and books.

Immediately if you want to have an idea about what post are coming and when they will be released have a look at the sites Calendar in Future Posts. I also announce whenever a post is live on my Facebook page and instagram.

As I have said before this is a positive space so please enjoy with that knowledge, look for coming articles on 40 years of Disney’s The Black Hole and a look at 20 minutes into the Future – Max Headroom which was either inspired or an opportunity missed.

If you know of anything that would interest me or would like to contribute please feel free to contact me via the Communicate tab.

Now raise some Romulan wine or that weird Blue Milk to a good year

By Duncan

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