To quote Bjork (a sentence I never thought I’d use) …. It’s Oh so quiet …… Yes it has unfortunately been very quiet. I never thought I would have such a break from the blog, but I never also thought we’d have a global pandemic (at least not without Zombies).

The Past few months have been difficult for many, myself included. The limitations the Lockdown put on us (and even as it lifts some of those remain) along with the stress of being a full time carer to my Wife who is incredibly vulnerable to illness have affected me. It has also been a bad time for me health wise with several severe attacks of normal (if you can call them normal) migraines along with Cluster headaches both of which are debilitating. It has been unfortunate that this blog has suffered, those that follow me elsewhere will know I’ve just been quiet online. I also haven’t been able to do much Art. My loves of all thing Geek and film though has helped me, still being able to escape into those worlds I so love.

Slowly though I’m being able to get time so I can give some care and attention to this place I have loved creating. So over the next few months I am hoping to get it back to how it was with regular articles. I can’t promise the speed of getting back to normal but September will be the start with some new stuff and wrapping up some series I had started. I have in the Pipeline some more on The Empire Strikes Back at 40 and Worlds to Escape to, 40 years since Mike Hodges Flash Gordon, My lateness to the Plex Party and as normal articles on Books, comics and films. I do hope you’ll join me.

By Duncan

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