The Perfect Blogging Computer – The Final Chapter *UPDATED

Please Read before Main Article The G5 is Dead, Long Live the G5! I’m sad to report that my G5 has died on me and it is not easily or economically repairable. I believe the fault is all related to the VLAN which apparently is an issue some of these iMacs had. The question is do I take back what I said about it being the perfect blogging computer. No I don’t it did it’s job perfectly and for 2 years I had a reliable computer that did all that…

The Perfect Blogging Computer, my £10 iMac -Episode 3

‘In the last episode we discovered what lurked at the back of some charity shops, you left me as I heard the glorious chimes of an Apple OS booting,’ I had power to my new purchase but  my next issue was being able to login. I had been provided with no login information and phoning the shop would unlikely help, as I’m not sure they even knew what they had sold me. I did however know that I would be able to access the OS via terminal (don’t worry about…

The Perfect Blogging Computer, my £10 iMac – Episode 2

‘In the previous episode I was longing for the Heady days of Windows 8 and wishing I had a Desktop machine.’ Fast forward to this year, I was considering digging out the iMac G4 to use for some basic computing as a desktop machine. The issue is it had been retired due to a power fault that I hadn’t managed to trace and I really don’t want to have to pay for someone else to do being such an old computer. I do also have an original iMac in working…

The Perfect Blogging Computer, my £10 iMac – Episode 1

‘I slowly creep through the dark, parting the cobwebs before me, suddenly ahead a halo of white light, bathing in the glow before me, I slowly caress the surface so smooth as to almost feel of nothing, the words then escape my lips “My Preciousssss” ‘ I have always been one for using old tech normally a long time after people deem it ‘obsolete’, some of this is necessity because I do not have the budget for new shiny things, but its also because I love being able to utilise…