Books for the Year – Booklog 2021

Books for the Year

I know it’s March and I probably should have posted this earlier, but life happens. Part of my plans this year is to read more, sometimes it’s so easy just to stick on a film rather than spend the time reading. I am therefore going to make a concerted effort to put aside some blocks of time for reading. It’s one of those things that once you get back into the habit you realise how much it gives you and how missed it is. I am planning to update frequently on my reading material and hopefully give a little background on what I’m reading. As with most things there will likely be updates on my other social media as well, feel free to connect. If you really want to keep an eye on my reading you can follow me via Goodreads or if you don’t have/want a Goodreads account the Goodreads panel to the right will tell you what I have on the go at present.

The majority of books I get are second hand for various reasons from cost to aesthetic and environmental reasons. I occasionally pick up kindle books but this is not my preferred reading method. I also do and have always get through a lot of audiobooks well before it became as trendy as it is now, as it is such a great format for so many people I will also do plenty of talking about this medium as well. The booklog updates will normally be on a bi-monthly basis as the plan is to talk Comics on the other months, nothing though is set in stone. There will also likely to be some random one off posts about various specific books. I’m looking forward to expanding my reading content here and I hope you all enjoy it..

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