There will be quite a few updates and minor changes to the site over the next few weeks. I want to be posting on a more regular basis and I want to update some information and other details. If you find any obvious issues feel free to contact me.
Category: Featured
These are posts we want to display on the homepage slider.
James Earl Jones (1931-2024)
When an actor, or someone in the public eye sadly dies not only do you start thinking of your own mortality but what that person meant to you and the influence they have had. I was saddened to hear of James Earl Jones passing, for me personally the voice of Darth Vader was the thing he will be most remembered for. When I first saw Star Wars at the Christmas of 1977 the presence of Dave Prowse walking into the Rebel ship was a huge Darh Vader moment, but then…
A Tale of Two Surgeons
A Tale of two Surgeons It’s always interesting when you get two books with the same title covering similar ground. Here we have the tale of two Star Surgeons, both books exploring the idea of medical care with non-human patients. Star Surgeon (1963) by James White and Star Surgeon (1959) by Alan E. Nourse. James White’s Star Surgeon is the second book in his 12 book Sector General series, although they link chronologically they can be read individually. Alan E. Nourse’s Star Surgeon is a stand alone Juvenile Science Fiction…
What to do with all that Stuff – August 2023
As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume What to do with all that Stuff. To quote the much maligned theme tune to Star Trek Enterprise ‘It’s been a long road Getting from there to here’. All has been quiet here for a while due to a mixture of technical, time and personal issues. Those issues have meant most of my time I’ve been concentrating on Booktube content and been having fun with that. Please feel free to pay me…
Artemis by Andy Weir
A Fun Crime Caper in a Hostile Environment Andy Weir’s rise to prominence with The Martian (2011) is well known, he started by serialising it on his website and then released a kindle version which shot to the top of the Kindle charts. This attracted the attention of publishers with whom he then managed to get a publishing deal with. Following up the success of The Martian was never going to be easy, and reading comments on Artemis has shown a mixed response. I congratulate Andy Weir of trying to…