All Hail Boardgames!

Board games and tabletop games are having a bit of resurgence. In the past few years sales have increased on average 20% a year across the board (excuse the pun). I’m sure you’ve heard about things like Game Cafe’s opening (there seems to be a Cafe for everything now). I’ve played games since I was a child from board games like monopoly to role playing games like Traveller and Dungeons and Dragons. Due to work and other factors in my adult life I have moved around a lot, I once…

Sparkly Vampires and Racoons – It’s a Bug’s Life – 5/11/19

‘It’s a Bug’s life’, the weekly post when I tell you what films we’ve watched both on our film Sundays and other parts of the week (I will talk about TV shows elsewhere). Please if you haven’t read the introduction page to this series go take a look that’s where you’ll learn the history of our sorely missed ‘Bug’. There are no spoilers for the films listed You left me at the end of last week in the middle of the Twilight films, if you want to read my thoughts…

Use your Imagination – Intermission – Nov 2019

Intermission Header Image

‘As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume’ Use your Imagination I remember a time when Science Fiction and Fantasy wasn’t the massive behemoth it is now. Don’t get me wrong it’s always been there, from ancient Hindu stories and Greek writers through to Verne, H.G. Wells and onward to Asimov, Bradbury, Dick, Tolkien and Ellison it’s always been bubbling under the surface across various forms of media. An argument can be made that writing is the purest form of…

Booklog – November 2019

An occasional column when I update and spotlight some books that are on my reading list present and basically just talk books. As with most things I have a backlog of books waiting to be read (or even reread). I also listen to a lot of Audiobooks (I was into audiobooks before they were trendy) either whilst walking dogs or out running. To give you a little history I have always read a lot. As with all of us at times it wanes but then you return to the joy…

The Mystery of Luigi’s Mansion

Luigi’s Mansion was a launch title on the Nintendo Gamecube. It was therefore one of the most popular games on that platform so sold over 2.5 million copies and was the 5th best selling gamecube game of all time. I do not own a Gamecube but I do own a 1st generation Wii which plays Gamecube games. I’m not really up on Nintendo software the only platform I own is the above mentioned Wii and generally Nintendo systems and games never really appealed to me. A few months ago I…

Let’s Talk Consoles

Along with many things I love games of all types so lets star by talking about those of a video persuasion. As with a lot of things I’m a fan of older systems partially due to cost (and yes some nostalgia, yes I used the N word) but also due to the physical media nature of older systems. This is just a brief roundup of my consoles. Just to clarify I don’t collect games or consoles for the sake of getting a complete set, I just collect and keep games…