Use your Imagination – Intermission – Nov 2019

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‘As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume’ Use your Imagination I remember a time when Science Fiction and Fantasy wasn’t the massive behemoth it is now. Don’t get me wrong it’s always been there, from ancient Hindu stories and Greek writers through to Verne, H.G. Wells and onward to Asimov, Bradbury, Dick, Tolkien and Ellison it’s always been bubbling under the surface across various forms of media. An argument can be made that writing is the purest form of…

Booklog – November 2019

An occasional column when I update and spotlight some books that are on my reading list present and basically just talk books. As with most things I have a backlog of books waiting to be read (or even reread). I also listen to a lot of Audiobooks (I was into audiobooks before they were trendy) either whilst walking dogs or out running. To give you a little history I have always read a lot. As with all of us at times it wanes but then you return to the joy…

Comicslog – October 2019

‘An occasional column where I update and spotlight some comics that are on my reading list present.’ As with most comics fans I have a backlog of titles to read. I’m quite selective on what I buy for a couple of reasons, obviously budget makes an impact but also because I want to be able to read what I have. I do not see the point of collecting titles if I can never get around to reading them, comics are there to be read. Blade Runner 2019, Written by Michael…

Rutger Hauer (1944-2019)

I was saddened to hear of the passing of Rutger Hauer on the 19th July. He died at Home at the age of 75 leaving behind a legacy of iconic roles and performances. His most famous role was that of Roy Batty in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. I was lucky enough to see Blade Runner on release in 1982, as with many people this was my first exposure to Rutger Hauer and one of the most iconic scenes in Science Fiction Cinema. The advantage of seeing the film on release…