Halloween Recomendations

It’s that most spooky time of year again, both myself and my Wife are not a fan of this Holiday. I’m not going to sit here and go on about the Americanisation of the Day or that Apple bobbing has been superseded by trick or treating. I’m just not a fan and I try to ignore it. It is however a time when we use it as an excuse to watch some Horror films. When I was thinking about this post I knew I was going to use the statement…

Comicslog – October 2019

‘An occasional column where I update and spotlight some comics that are on my reading list present.’ As with most comics fans I have a backlog of titles to read. I’m quite selective on what I buy for a couple of reasons, obviously budget makes an impact but also because I want to be able to read what I have. I do not see the point of collecting titles if I can never get around to reading them, comics are there to be read. Blade Runner 2019, Written by Michael…