A Tale of Two Surgeons
A Tale of two Surgeons It’s always interesting when you get two books with the same title covering similar ground. Here we have the tale of two Star Surgeons, both books exploring the idea of medical care with non-human patients. Star Surgeon (1963) by James White and Star Surgeon (1959) by Alan E. Nourse. James White’s Star Surgeon is the second book in his 12 book Sector General series, although they link chronologically they can be read individually. Alan E. Nourse’s Star Surgeon is a stand alone Juvenile Science Fiction book. James White was a Northern Irish writer who started as many writer of his era did in short stories.…
What to do with all that Stuff – August 2023
As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume What to do with all that Stuff. To quote the much maligned theme tune to Star Trek Enterprise ‘It’s been a long road Getting from there to here’. All has been quiet here for a while due to a mixture of technical, time and personal issues. Those issues have meant most of my time I’ve been concentrating on Booktube content and been having fun with that. Please feel free to pay me a visit. One of my original plans was to link the videos to some extra articles that I have written…