Why Collect DVDs in 2019/20? – Reboot

I wanted to update the post I released last year for a couple of reasons. I recently released some videos on IGTV and You Tube about films I’d take into quarantine (working through the alphabet). There is a high proportion of DVD’s in those lists. The reasons are very well explained in this original article therefore I wanted to push this up to the fore on the blog so people could see it. It is also very interesting that in the current climate streaming services are getting a lot of…

Worlds to escape into …..

Sometimes we all just need another world to escape into ….  Part 1 I have put together a few of my favourite, but less known worlds to escape to. This is a mixture of film, television, games and books and will be in several parts. In this time when a lot of people are spending more time at home than they are used to I thought a few suggestions may be useful. Some of these suggestions I am considering writing full articles on in the future. Onto my first suggestion…

Comfort Food – Intermission – April 2020

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume Comfort Food Science Fiction stories are often set in the future and in a reality that is radically different to our own. There is sometimes a ‘removed-from-the ordinary’ feel, which is one of the things that attracts a lot of people to this genre. Some forms of Science Fiction though base themselves near to reality, especially post apocalyptic fiction. Those of us who grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s remember the…