The Almighty Johnsons – The Donkey Recommends

Media that may have flown under your radar but is well worth checking out. The Donkey Recommends I have attempted to keep program spoilers to a minimum, but discussing the quality of this show without revealing anything is almost impossible, any spoilers that appear will be minor. If I feel what I am about to reveal is more major it will be sign-posted within the text.

Second Times a Dream, well sometimes – Intermission – March 2020

Intermission Header Image

‘As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume’ Second Times a Dream, well sometimes My Father in Law only watches films once, he’s not into films and media the same way both myself and my wife are, but just the once? I don’t expect anyone to get obsessive about certain things that I do, but just the once? There are so many things that my opinion has changed on subsequent viewings. Sometimes good sometimes bad, it can be the passage…

Hospital Life – It’s a Bug’s Life – 18/2/20

“It’s a Bug’s life’, the weekly post when I tell you what films we’ve watched both on our film Sundays and other parts of the week (I will talk about TV shows elsewhere). Please if you haven’t read the introduction page to this series go take a look that’s where you’ll learn the history of our sorely missed Bug.” There are no spoilers for the films listed As I said in my last Bugs Life, there would be a two week break before the next edition, as my Wife was…

Why you should watch Star Trek TMP Director’s Edition

*As you would expect, there are some spoilers for the film in this article* I get fed up with people playing around with films, there is an argument to be had that Directors cuts and other cuts are a scourge on film history and just a case of revisionism. That conversation is one I will have in another article but every now and then a ‘Directors version’ crops up that isn’t just a case of vanity or wishing to change the past. This cut is not put together out of…

It’s a Joke – It’s a Bug’s Life – 4/2/20

“It’s a Bug’s life’, the weekly post when I tell you what films we’ve watched both on our film Sundays and other parts of the week (I will talk about TV shows elsewhere). Please if you haven’t read the introduction page to this series go take a look that’s where you’ll learn the history of our sorely missed Bug.” There are no spoilers for the films listed Looking at the list of films this week it’s quite funny that out of the ten films four are Star Wars ones, did…

CGI facial hair and a Princess – It’s a Bug’s Life – 28/1/20

“It’s a Bug’s life’, the weekly post when I tell you what films we’ve watched both on our film Sundays and other parts of the week (I will talk about TV shows elsewhere). Please if you haven’t read the introduction page to this series go take a look that’s where you’ll learn the history of our sorely missed Bug.” There are no spoilers for the films listed A bit more viewing of the film kind for this week, on Tuesday and Wednesday we finished off the Night at the Museum…

Treasure Hunters find Dog in Atlantis – It’s a Bug’s Life – 21/1/20

“It’s a Bug’s life’, the weekly post when I tell you what films we’ve watched both on our film Sundays and other parts of the week (I will talk about TV shows elsewhere). Please if you haven’t read the introduction page to this series go take a look that’s where you’ll learn the history of our sorely missed Bug.” There are no spoilers for the films listed Our film watching was a bit thin on the ground for this week, I had a lot of things to catch up with…

It’s oh so quiet – It’s a Bug’s Life – 14/1/20

“It’s a Bug’s life’, the weekly post when I tell you what films we’ve watched both on our film Sundays and other parts of the week (I will talk about TV shows elsewhere). Please if you haven’t read the introduction page to this series go take a look that’s where you’ll learn the history of our sorely missed Bug.” There are no spoilers for the films listed I wasn’t expecting to watch many films this week but somehow the reverse happened. I have a lot of TV series I wish…

War of the Worlds (2019) – Conclusion

**As with my first look there will be spoilers, if you’ve not watched it and plan to come back afterwards.** There has been a longer period of time between this and my original thoughts on the first episode. This has been due in someways to the Christmas holidays but also because I actually found this hard to write, the main reason was I struggled to have enough interest in the program. I have so much respect for anyone who gets a TV show or film made, the amount of work…

Holiday Films – It’s a Bugs Life – 7/1/20

“It’s a Bug’s life’, the weekly post when I tell you what films we’ve watched both on our film Sundays and other parts of the week (I will talk about TV shows elsewhere). Please if you haven’t read the introduction page to this series go take a look that’s where you’ll learn the history of our sorely missed Bug.” There are no spoilers for the films listed Due to the Christmas period BAFTD was on it’s Christmas break, this is a round up of all the films we watched from…