All the Weyrs of Pern by Anne McCaffrey

A Solid addition to the Dragonriders Series Anne McCaffrey was inspired in part to write Science Fiction due to some of the ways women were portrayed in the genre. She was the first woman writer to win the coveted Hugo award and one of the female pioneers within the genre. After the original trilogy McCaffrey was encouraged by her publisher to write the Harperhall trilogy aimed at younger readers. To all purposes after the end of The White Dragon it feels like this is where the story was originally going…

Intermission – Back and Forth 2022/23

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As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume Looking for the next Squirrel It’s been a weird year and I’ve not spent as much time writing on this blog as I would have liked to. Rather than my normal intermission posts which can at times be obscure or even vague this, one is more a general feel about the past year. The loss of my beloved Golden Retriever Harley as much as it was expected hit me, and still hits…