Intermission Header Image

As the usher brings forth the Ice cream and snacks, we wait for the main feature to resume

This blog has been a little neglected for a while, not that the ideas weren’t there but life as always gets in the way, you build up the idea of getting back to writing about what you love to some big thing. It’s been a tough few years for a lot of people, we have personally lost both Furry and Human family members over the past few years and this can put a lot of things into perspective. I may have mentioned before that I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so much so that I frequently wont do something because I can never get it to be 100% to my satisfaction. It’s an issue I’ve been working on for a long time but it’s never perfect (see what I did there?).

I loved my original layout for the blog, the whole magazine feel was exactly what I wanted. The only issue I had was sometimes the time taken formatting to make it just right, because of that and and other factors I posted less up here. If you don’t know I have a Booktube channel talking about the books I love and to start that I had to get over this idea of perfection. One of the things I always wanted to do was to was to have writing that would be companion pieces to my Booktube videos, especially when there was non-book things I wanted to talk about, relating to the book I have just made a video about (does that make sense?)

The whole point about Back Away from the Donkey is it’s a place for myself and others (hopefully) to just escape and talk about things I/we love. This is the same ethos I have with my Booktube channel. I love talking and sharing these things and I hope that that comes across. As much as I want things to look pretty, the important thing for me is the content. That is what the change in the look of the blog is about, inspired by some other blogs I read, I wanted to streamline its look, make it easier and quicker for me to post and hopefully for others to read on all devices. Here it is then in all its glory the new look, old articles seem to have formatted pretty well in the new design, but any issues please let me know. There are a few bugs and additions/tidying up that will be sorted in the coming weeks and months. I hope that this design will enable me to do what I wanted to with this blog and get more writing done.

Writing about these things for me is a therapy for me and I wish to continue that. I have several ways you can interact with me if you so wish, obviously the contact form, my Instagram account that I’m afraid isn’t that active but I’m around for the cute dogs, my facebook page. I also have recently (well longer than that) set up a discord server, it’s a bit empty of people at the moment as I’ve not pushed it (or really told anyone about it). I would love for that to become a place to talk about these things also. As much as i’m not keen on the actual Discord software it is a very convenient hub, please feel free to join me there to stop me talking to myself.

As always this place is about escape and all my interests from Books to dogs and Art to music plus everything in between. I hope you enjoy your visit


The lights dim, we now resume the main feature

By Duncan

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